Committee and Trustees

The Association is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (no 1154583) and has a committee of Trustees and co-opted members who meet regularly to discuss all matters that concern the Alde and Ore Rivers.

The Association is seeking new committee members; please contact our Chairman, Alison Andrews, on if you are able to help in this way.

Alison Andrews – Hon. Chairman
Bernadette Gilbert – Hon. Treasurer
Monica Allen – Newsletter Editor
Colin Chamberlain – Legal
Mark Goyder – Outreach/external relations
Keith Martin – Planning
Roy Truman – Butley Ferry
Mervyn Hall – Water Monitoring

Co-opted Members:
Roger Baxter – River Defence Committee

Other positions held:
Susie Rixon – Hon. Secretary
Sholto Lindsay-Smith – Marketing
Kim Puttock – Membership Secretary and Website Administrator

If you wish to get in touch, please visit our 'Contact Us' page available here.