The Association has responded to the planning application regarding the Rope Kiln building at Jumbo’s Cottage, Iken as follows:-
Planning Application DC/19/1324/FUL – Jumbo’s Cottage, Iken
From the Alde Ore Association (Registered Charity number 1154583) – The Alde and Ore Association exists to protect for the public benefit the Alde, Ore and Butley rivers and their banks from Shingle Street to their tidal limits together with features of public interest. It has some 2000 members.
Whilst the Alde Ore Association is pleased to see that repairs to the Rope Kiln building are proposed we OBJECT to the proposed construction of the roof.
Slate is not a local product. The evidence from the painting by George Rope in the Design and Access Statement does not support the use of slate. The roof of nearest neighbouring building, as well as that of the original Jumbo’s cottage, is traditional local tile.
S85 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act requires the planning authority to have due regard to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty designation. The glass lantern will harm the tranquillity of the AONB due to the likelihood of light spillage at night, especially during winter where daylight hours are short. Such spillage needs measures to minimise it.
ESDC/SCDC Planning Policy DM13(b) requires the alterations to respect the character of the existing building particularly where it is of traditional design. The introduction of foreign materials, as a roof covering and structure, fails to do this.
Planning Policy DM21(c) requires alterations to existing buildings to respect the style, detailing and finishes of the original building. The original building would have had a local clay tile roof covering.
Keith Martin
Planning Trustee