Archived News

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11 November 2019 The Association's response to the Shoreline Management Plan review of Sudbourne Beach on Orfordness

The Association has lodged its response to the consultation on Shoreline Management Plan review of Sudbourne Beach on Orfordness.

The review was required because of the development of the Alde and Ore Estuary Plan.  The current Shoreline Management Plan's interim policy is that after 2025 no action will be taken to preserve Sudbourne Beach, the area south of the Aldeburgh Martello Tower.

The review proposes that this policy be changed to one of Managed Realignment, providing resilience against erosion to prevent a permanent breach from forming.

With the importance of preventing a breach at Slaughden, The Association has responded to the Consultation in favour of the conclusion of the review to change the policy after 2025.  A copy of The Association's submission can be seen here.

We would strongly encourage members to write in support individually as well - the more who support the review, the more likely it is that its recommendations will be accepted.

There is an information booklet at and more informationand a Consultation Feedback Form is at

7 November 2019 Coastal Path update

Following the meeting hosted by The Association on 17th July, we have now issued an updated report of the meeting together with the slides from the presentation by Jonathan Clarke of Natural England, Coastal Path Delivery

These documents give you information about the proposed route for the coastal path around our estuary together with contact details if you wish to raise any issues with Natural England's Delivery Team.

17 October 2019 Shoreline Management Plan - Poster and Advice

Please participate in a consultation on the revision the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) which is running from 1 October to 30 November and there are open drop-in sessions
on 18 October from 1500-1900 and 19 October from 1000-1300 in the Aldeburgh Community Centre.
We have a chance to comment on the proposed revision to the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) policy for the area to the south of the Aldeburgh Martello Tower. (SMP unit ORF15.1 Sudbourne Beach).
Many members will be aware just how vulnerable the section of coast south of the Martello Tower has become and how close the sea has been to breaching the shingle bank through to the river.
The SMP is the government policy guiding coastal defence around the entire English and Welsh coast. The section south of the Martello Tower down Orford Ness has been formally reviewed, following the completion of the Alde and Ore Estuary Plan to implement refurbishment of the river walls to be able to withstand overtopping in a 1:200 year surge.
The proposal is to change the SMP policy for this part of the coast, which is currently No Active Intervention from the year 2025 (i.e. spend no money, do nothing to counter erosion) to Managed Realignment. This recommendation from the Suffolk Coast Forum is designed to avoid a permanent breach from forming by providing resilience against erosion. A permanent breach would change the river very dramatically, increasing the vulnerability of the estuary area to flooding with consequences for houses, land, water aquifers, walking, the environmental habitats and sailing and other water activities: so it would transform the river as we know it. A policy of Managed Realignment would allow action to be taken to sustain the shingle shore bank.
Alde and Ore Association members are therefore encouraged to support the proposed amendment, in writing if looking in at the drop-in sessions is not possible, during the consultation period which ends on 30 November. It may also be helpful to add supportive comments giving one or two reasons for your support such as:

  • A revised policy is crucial to the life of the estuary
  • It is vital to support the Alde Ore Estuary Partnership plan
  • You value the safe sailing environment provided by the river
  • You love the tranquil estuary as it is now
  • Important to the economy of the area

If you cannot attend the drop- in consultation please visit where you will find more information and a feedback form.
There is an information booklet at
Alternatively you can email with your reply.
Alison Andrews, Chairman of the Alde and Ore Association

14 July 2019 Jumbo's Cottage update

The planning application in respect of the Rope Kiln at Jumbo’s Cottage was approved.

The Association will continue to object to planning applications it considers detract from the natural beauty and tranquil environment of the Estuary.

24 June 2019 The Association's response to a further Jumbo's Cottage planning application

The Association has responded to the planning application regarding the Rope Kiln building at Jumbo's Cottage, Iken as follows:-

Planning Application DC/19/1324/FUL – Jumbo’s Cottage, Iken

From the Alde Ore Association (Registered Charity number 1154583) - The Alde and Ore Association exists to protect for the public benefit the Alde, Ore and Butley rivers and their banks from Shingle Street to their tidal limits together with features of public interest. It has some 2000 members.

Whilst the Alde Ore Association is pleased to see that repairs to the Rope Kiln building are proposed we OBJECT to the proposed construction of the roof.

Slate is not a local product. The evidence from the painting by George Rope in the Design and Access Statement does not support the use of slate. The roof of nearest neighbouring building, as well as that of the original Jumbo’s cottage, is traditional local tile.

S85 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act requires the planning authority to have due regard to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty designation. The glass lantern will harm the tranquillity of the AONB due to the likelihood of light spillage at night, especially during winter where daylight hours are short. Such spillage needs measures to minimise it.

ESDC/SCDC Planning Policy DM13(b) requires the alterations to respect the character of the existing building particularly where it is of traditional design. The introduction of foreign materials, as a roof covering and structure, fails to do this.

Planning Policy DM21(c) requires alterations to existing buildings to respect the style, detailing and finishes of the original building. The original building would have had a local clay tile roof covering.

Keith Martin

Planning Trustee

24 June 2019 A call from the AONB regarding redundant plastic tree guards

'We have received from our local Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) a call for help in spotting redundant plastic trees guards while on your walks  For details, click here.

24 June 2019 Guidance for Members on the Consultation for the Draft National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England

The Environment Agency's Consultation for the Draft National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England is vitally important to our Estuary and we are encouraging members to respond directly or to give us their views to help shape The Association's response. To help with this, we have published a Guidance for Members outlining the issues involved.

10 June 2019 Consultation for the Draft National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy for England

The Environment Agency have issued their consultation on a flood and coastal defence strategy (see Press release). Comments have to be made via the Consultation Hub by 4th July 2019.

Alde and Ore Association Trustees are considering the document and several have attended the Anglian Eastern RFCC event at Snape Maltings on 5th June to hear more about it, to better prepare an Association response on a policy which may be very important in shaping any future plans for the Estuary.

Briefly, the draft strategy looks ahead to actions between the years 2030 and 2050. It focusses in three key themes

  • climate resilient places
  • today’s growth and infrastructure- resilient to tomorrow’s climate
  • a nation of climate champions, able to adapt to flooding and coastal change through innovation.

All members are encouraged to respond to the consultation themselves and we have prepared a Guidance for Members summarising the issues involve. If there are particular points any one would like the Association to make please email

The Association will try to arrange a meeting about it, hopefully bringing in an Environment Agency representative to give background and explanations when needed. This will be at fairly short notice as the final response has to be in by 4th July. (watch this website for any further announcements.)
31 March 2019 The Association's responses to Sizewell C and Scottish Power Renewables consultations

The Association has lodged detailed responses both to the Sizewell C consultation and to Scottish Power Renewables' plans for the onshore facilities for planned new windfarms. Both of these affect our area and our estuary which The Association exists to protect.

The Sizewell C response is available in full here.

The response to Scottish Power Renewables' proposals is available here.

3 March 2019 Title of our AGM guest speaker's talk is announced

We are pleased to welcome John Curtin, the Environment Agency's Executive Director of Flood and Coastal Risk Management as our guest speaker this year. His title is 2019 – The Year we took Climate Change seriously? This will be an important talk and not to be missed.

The documents for the Meeting comprising the formal Notice and Agenda, Minutes of the 2018 AGM and the Report and Accounts for the year to 31st December 2018 can be downloaded by clicking here.

We look forward to welcoming you to the meeting.
29 January 2019 Save the date! The Association's AGM will be held on Saturday 6th April.

The Association's Annual General Meeting will be held at Thorpeness Country Club on Saturday, 6th April at 10.30am. Coffee will be available from 10am.

Our speaker this year will be John Curtin who is the Environment Agency's Executive Director of Flood and Coastal Risk Management. He is responsible for the directorate which sets the direction for flood and coastal risk management, manages key stakeholder relationships and gives expert advice to government to help develop and implement flood and coastal erosion risk management policies.

The subject of his talk will be announced in the near future.

We look forward to seeing as many members as possible at our AGM and to a lively discussion on the future of our estuary and the Association.

29 January 2019 Alde and Ore Estuary Partnership Drop-in Session on 27th February

The Alde and Ore Estuary Partnership (AOEP) are holding a Drop-in Session at the Trask Cafe, Snape Maltings on Wednesday 27th February from 2pm to 8pm.

There will be a presentation in the Recital Room at 6pm to update everyone on:-

Costs of upgrading the estuary walls

Projected income both from local fundraising and Government funding

Everyone is welcome to drop in and discuss the project.

29 January 2019 AGM for Suffolk Coast against Retreat (SCAR)

Suffolk Coast against Retreat (SCAR) are holding their annual meeting at the Riverside Centre Stratford St Andrew IP17 1LL on Saturday 2nd March 10.30am (coffee from 10am).

The speaker will be Rt Hon Lord Deben PC on "Climate Change effect on Europe".

All are welcome. RSVP:

08 January 2019 Third Stage of Sizewell C Public Consultation

The third stage of the Public Consultation has started and public exhibitions are being held locally until 22nd January. Responses to the updated proposals have to be lodged by 29th March.

For full details including dates and locations of the exhibitions, please click here

08 January 2019 Post-Christmas exercise!

Join volunteers on 20th January to help the Alde and Ore Estuary saltings projects.
Join a work party to help with coppicing and, most especially, making brushwood bundles (it only takes 5 minutes to learn how to do bundles).The bundles will then be used in projects on the Alde and Ore to protect or enhance saltings.

The work party is on Sunday 20th January 2019 at Butley Woods. 9.30 am to 3pm.
Please wear stout boots or wellingtons, warm clothes and wet weather gear if necessary, gardening gloves are a good idea and bring a pack lunch.
For more details and to register, please contact:


27 November 2018 Good news for Brick Dock - Developer's planning appeal rejected

The developer's appeal against the Suffolk Coast and District Council's refusal of an application to build 43 houses at Brick Dock, many with views over the estuary, has been turned down.

The Public Inquiry ran over six days in September with a good number of local people attending showing the strength of feeling about the proposal. The Association and many of its members individually contributed to the cost of an excellent barrister to put the case against the appeal which was supported by many residents in the estuary and the Aldeburgh Town Council. It is very encouraging that the case shows that we can work to protect the estuary from wholly inappropriate large developments.

The Planning Inspector went into considerable detail on all the points made for and against the appeal. She found there were no exceptional circumstances allowing such a major development at the old Brickfields site in the AONB.   For a full copy of her report click here.

15 November 2018 Please give us your feedback for our response to the AONB Review

Part of the government’s 25 year environment plan was a commitment to carry out an independent review on the purposes of AONBs and their funding and governance. Association members can review the information here
As the Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB includes the Alde and Ore estuary, The Association intends to respond to the call for evidence.
We would very much welcome members’ views and input to assist our response. If you have any comment to make please either use the form our website or email Keith Martin at Please respond by 10 December so that we can draft our response in time for the 18 December deadline.

6 November 2018 Chairman Alison Andrews is winner of volunteer award by Suffolk Coast Forum

Congratulations to Alison Andrews who was the winner of the Sue Allen Memorial Award, Volunteer Category 2018 for her outstanding contributions to Suffolk Coast and Estuary management. The award was presented at the Suffolk Coast & Estuaries 7th Annual Community Conference on Friday 12th October by David Richie, Chairman of Suffolk Coast Forum. In accepting the award, Alison said that it was really for all the many people who worked so hard for the Alde and Ore Estuary.

19 October 2018 Brickdock Appeal hearing completed

The appeal by the developer of the proposed new site at Brick Dock, Aldeburgh has now been heard at a Public Inquiry. The Association gave evidence at the Inquiry supporting the Aldeburgh Town Council’s opposition to the scheme. The Planning Inspector, Lesley Coffey, will be making her recommendation to the Secretary of State shortly, hopefully before Christmas.

18 October 2018 Enjoy a Crag Path Christmas and support the Estuary Trust

Join a cast of West End performers in celebration of the rich heritage of this unique Suffolk coastal town and wallow in the Yuletide spirit of the atmospheric Aldeburgh Jubilee Hall, culminating in a festive sing-a-long. Let the Ghosts of Aldeburgh take you through Christmas past, present and future on a joyous celebration of all that makes the season and this seaside special.

Bring your friends and family for the gala opening night from 6.30pm on 27th December where tickets priced £30 for adults and £15 for children include a festive drink and nibbles after the show, together with a donation to support the Alde & Ore Estuary Trust. The Trust's fundraising work supports the upgrade of vital flood defences of the River Alde & Ore, to protect our shared economy, homes and landscapes.
Suitable for ages 4 to 104,

For full details on the Trust's site and for online booking, click here.

17 October 2018 Environment Agency work at Slaughden

The Environment Agency's restoration of defences at Slaughden south of the Martello Tower has now been complete ahead of schedule. The storms at the end of September brought more shingle but repairs were still needed. For pictures of previous damage and works to repair it, please click here.

9 September 2018 Thank you to all members who opted in for emails

Thank you to all our members who confirmed that they are happy to receive information from the Association by email. This makes it easier for us to get in touch with you and significantly reduces the cost of doing so.

The response to the request, which was prompted by the new General Data Protection Regulations, was far in excess of the national average.

If you do have an email address but have not confirmed that we may use it, please do so by clicking here. As we mentioned in a recent letter, the  printing and postage costs of a single letter are more than 20% of a single annual subscription to the Association!

25 July 2018 Summer Events on the Alde and Ore in 2018 - Barbecue, walk and bike ride

This glorious summer continues with events on the Alde and Ore Estuary.

First there is the annual Alde and Ore Association Barbecue on Sunday, 26th August near Ferry Farm, Sudbourne by kind invitation of the Skepper family (not 6th August as originally published with the spring Newsletter). For full detail and the application form, click here. This is the main social event of the Assocation's year - book early as places are limited.

Then on Friday, 7th September, the second walk of the summer is round the 'Gedgrave Corner' including a guided tour of Pinney's smokehouse and a light lunch at the Orford Sailing Club.  For full details and the application form, click here.

Finally, on Saturday, 22nd September, the Alde and Ore Estuary Trust are organising the Four Ferries Charity Bike Ride in aid of the river defences. The total ride is some 42 miles and crosses the four foot ferries of Suffolk including the Association sponsored Butley Ferry. Full details will follow on the Trust's website., in the near future.

Details of all these events can be found under our Events page.

25 July 2018 Brick Dock development goes to appeal

Reference_ APP/J3530/W/17/3172629
Brickfield Barns, Saxmundham Road, Aldeburgh, Suffolk
The Alde and Ore Association is concerned to protect the estuary and its use and enjoyment for all members of the public. The proposed development at Brick Dock to build a further 43 houses would effectively urbanise that corner of the valley, creating a swathe of roofs, instead of the green country corner, and having windows overlooking the river creating both a built up effect and light pollution both at night and from glinting glass during the day. The larger housing area is also likely to affect the relative tranquillity of the Brick Dock shore affecting the much prized range of habitual migratory and residential birds, the presence of which is acknowledged by the range of natural environment protection designations. The Association has already submitted three full objections to the proposal during the course of its hearings in Suffolk Coastal District Council in 2013, 2015 and 2016.
The developer has now taken his case to appeal with the Secretary of State. The Association, as others have done, submitted a further objection against the appeal in 2017. A Public Inquiry will now take place for at least five days beginning Tuesday 11 September. There are many local people, organisations and bodies representing different interests and a single counsel covering all their overlapping interests is being engaged.
The Aldeburgh Society has taken on the co-ordinating role of collecting in the funds to meet the costs of some £15,000. Given the need to use money and resources most effectively and the strict planning inquiry process the Association Trustees have decided that the Association’s key concerns to protect the environment can best be met by contributing £1000 to the fund which is being collected on behalf of all by the Aldeburgh Society.
Alde and Ore Association members are also invited to contribute directly if they so wish. For further details see the Aldeburgh Society’s website,

Alison Andrews
Chairman of the Alde and Ore Association
23 July 2018

24 May 2018 Exhibition of pictures by Susanna MacInnes in aid of the Estuary Trust

Members are invited to a special Estuary Trust fundraising evening featuring pictures by Susanna MacInnes from 6 to 9pm on Friday 11th August in the Aldeburgh Gallery, 143 High Street Aldeburgh.
Susanna's work can be previewed at her website

19 March 2018 Annual General Meeting 2018

The 27th AGM of The Association will be held at at Thorpeness Country Club on Saturday, 7th April at 10.30am. Tea and coffee will be served from 10.00am.

For more details and documents, please see the AGM page under Events.

13 March 2018 AOEP Annual Community Meeting

Members are encouraged to attend the forthcoming AOEP Annual Community Meeting at Snape Maltings Recital Room on 14th April from 10.30am-1pm to learn the latest information and progress on the Estuary Plan. The Community Meeting is being preceded by a number of drop in sessions. The first well attended session was at Orford and there is a session at Aldeburgh Church Hall today 13th March from 2pm to 7pm followed by Snape on 14th March at the same time.  For details see the AOEP site,

13 March 2018 Suffolk Coast Against Retreat (SCAR) AGM - guest speaker Dr Therese Coffey MP

SCAR's AGM will be held on Saturday 17th March 2018 at the RIverside Centre, Stratford St Andrew; the guest speaker will be Dr Therese Coffey MP.   The meeting is open to all so do come and hear more about issues of coastal concern.


8 December 2017 Brick Dock

The applicants for the proposed new site at Aldeburgh Brick Dock have lodged environmental considerations with the planners. It would appear therefore that, although this development has previously been refused, the applicants are persisting. The Association will watch developments....

31 October 2017 Public Forum on Enabling Development - Tunstall Village Hall, 10<sup>th</sup> November

The Alde and Ore Estuary Partnership are holding an open forum on Friday 10th November at Tunstall Village Hall at 4pm to be chaired by The Right Hon. Lord Deben. There will be time to consider the site sketch plans (prior to any formal plans being drawn up) in every parish and to be able to answer all questions and concerns in detail. Everyone is welcome to this but please let the Partnership know you are coming for catering purposes by emailing
For information on Enabling Development including details of all the sites please click here. For a list of frequently asked questions and answers on Enabling Development, please click here; these will be added to in the coming weeks.
If you have concerns or wish to offer support to the proposals, please email the Partnership on or your Parish Council, so that they can provide considered, full answers.

20 October 2017 Coastal Path: start of local consultations

Natural England  are holding two  open sessions  to start taking views on the route of the coastal path between Aldeburgh and Bawdsey.
Thereafter consultations will continue with land owners and interested groups until the proposed route is identified and submitted to the Secretary of State in the summer of 2018. After that there will be formal 8 week consultation and then a  consideration of views given before a final decision is taken.
The first open days are
Tuesday 17 October 2017 at Snape Village Hall, Church Road, IP17 1SX  from  10am -1pm
Monday 30 October at Hollesley Village Hall, Woodbridge Road  IP12 3QR    from 1pm to 4pm
For more detail the link to the Natural England site is''


8 October 2017 Invitation to the launch of the Alde and Ore Estuary Trust Save our Suffolk Estuary Campaign

The Trustees of the Alde and Ore Estuary Trust invite members of the Association and all who are interested in the future survival of the estuary to a drinks reception at the launch of the Save our Suffolk Estuary Campaign.

There are three dates to choose from: 14th October at 6pm in Orford Town Hall chaired by Libby Purves, 21st October at 6pm in Snape Village Hall chaired by Paul Heiney and 28th October at 11am in Aldeburgh Cinema chaired by The Right Hon. Lord Deben.

For details of how to reply to the invitation, please click here to download the Invitation,

5 July 2017 Added attraction at this year's Barbecue

This year we have an added attraction, a new venture to accompany the barbecue. We have secured Nick Raison and Sarah Gallop to play and sing to us. Nick Raison is a highly experience cocktail pianist, solo performer and accompanist with a repertoire mainly from The Great American Songbook and from The Jazz Age.

Sarah Gallop started singing at an early age and gained a Choral Scholarship to Woodbridge School. She went on a world tour with the National Youth Choir. Sarah studied solo singing at the Birmingham Conservatoire under the Mezzo-Soprano Christine Cairns. Sarah has recently featured in many solo classical performances in East Anglia and London with choirs and orchestras.

The contrast between Sarah's rich soprano singing and natural musicality with Nick's flowing easy, soft jazz style of Jazz Standards is unusual and a pleasure.

So do book; the 26th Association barbecue should be a great event.

5 July 2017 Four Foot Ferries of Suffolk Bike Ride: Saturday 16th September

A four ferries bike ride is being arranged for Saturday, 16th September as part of the Estuary Trust’s work in raising funds for the river defences.

The ride of some 42 miles will cross all of the Four Foot Ferries of Suffolk, including the Association's Butley Ferry.

For full details including registration forms and guidance notes, please Click here.

24 May 2017 Visit the Alde and Ore Estuary Trust at the Suffolk Show

The AOEP Fund Raising team have agreed a strategy to raise £12 million needed to help defend the estuary.

The main fundraising launch will be in the autumn and between now and October there will be a series of events starting with a stand at the Suffolk Show (31st May -1st June).

A substantial amount has already been committed and the Association have already pledged David Andren’s legacy of £630,000 to The Estuary Trust for work in the Orford  area.

To see full details of the AOEP developments, click here.

22 March 2017 AOEP meeting in Aldeburgh on Wednesday 29th March



This meeting provides the opportunity to hear about the plans for the river defences on the Aldeburgh Marsh wall, which is so vital to the town.

The meeting will be chaired by Peter Palmer, Aldeburgh Town Councillor and speakers will include members of the Alde and Ore Estuary Partnership, the Environment Agency and Internal Drainage Board (who are responsible for the Aldeburgh Wall upgrading).

The meeting will end about 7.30pm. To see the Agenda, click here

16 March 2017 Snape Maltings Masterplan

Snape Maltings are currently seeking to talk to as many local residents and stakeholders as possible about their proposed plans for development of the Maltings site and associated car parking,  to find out how the ideas might be viewed.

There are no formal proposals as yet: Snape Maltings are sounding out local views now, well before any planning application stage, to help inform any decisions they make about working up ideas further.
The plans are not yet firm enough for the Alde and Ore Association to take a position.

16 February 2017 Jumbo's Cottage revised application

A new variation on the plans for Jumbo's Cottage has been submitted. Reference DC/17/0417/VOC . It now omits digging out the ground underneath the site for what would have been a car park and under-room which would have been damaging environmentally and also costly but the variation would mean that there would now be a large glass fronted building overlooking the estuary.
To read the Association's objections to the Variation please click here.
Comments should be sent to the SCDC Planning Department, Case Officer Dean Baker, or Planning and Coastal Management, SCDC, Melton Hill, Woodbridge, IP12 1 AU by 2 March 2017.

9 February 2017 SCAR AGM to be held on 4th March

Suffolk Coast Against Retreat (SCAR) is holding its 2017 AGM at the Riverside Centre, Stratford St Andrew, IP17 1LL at 10.30am on Saturday, 4th March.

The guest speaker will be Thérèse Coffey, MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State with responsibility for flooding and rural affairs.

This should be an interesting meeting and all are welcome; if you would like to attend, please email

To see the poster giving details of the meeting, please click here.

3 February 2017 Alde and Ore Association responds to Sizewell C Consultation

The Association has submitted a response to the Sizewell C : Stage 2 Pre-Application Consultation.

The response deals with environmental and transport issues, the effects of the proposed Sizewell C development on coastal processes and the need for a completed Environmental Impact Assessment before the next stage of the Consultation.

If you would like to read the Association's full response, click here

25 January 2017 Dates for your diary in 2017
The Association has submitted a response to the Sizewell C : Stage 2 Pre-Application Consultation.

The response deals with environmental and transport issues, the effects of the proposed Sizewell C development on coastal processes and the need for a completed Environmental Impact Assessment before the next stage of the Consultation.

If you would like to read the Association's full response, click here

  • The Association's AGM will be held on Saturday, 8th April. Details to follow.
  • The Annual Barbecue will be on Sunday, 6th August. The location is still to be finalised but the timing will coincide with the high tide so that you can come by boat. The booking form will be issued with the spring newsletter and will be available on the website.
  • Three walks are planned for 2017, in May, July and September. Details and booking form will be issued with the spring newsletter and will be on the website. If you would like early notification, please email us at or use the online contact form.

18 January 2017 13th/14th January Surge

Flood warnings were issued by the Environment Agency for a surge event overnight on 13th/14th January caused by North-Westerly gales and a spring high tide, due at Orford Quay at 1.15am on the Saturday. The shipping forecasts during the Friday confirmed that the winds were as forecast. In the event, the surge preceded the high tide by about one hour and the resulting level was less than had been feared; there was no overtopping of rivers walls in the estuary.

The surge was however an excellent test of the emergency services and local emergency groups with the real threat concentrating minds far more than any 'exercise' would have done.


23 July 2016 Association Events  -  two more to come, do book now

The Summer Barbecue, the Association’s main annual social gathering will be held on Sunday 21st August at Chillesford Crag Pit by kind permission of the Watson family. This is a wonderfully peaceful spot on the upper Butley River. If you are planning to come to the barbecue and have not yet booked, please do so as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Two of the Association’s three summer walks have already taken place. The walk at Stanny Farm in May and Boyton and Hollesley Marshes in July were both well attended and enjoyed by all.
The final walk on 2nd September starts and finishes at Aldeburgh Golf Club. Over 40 members are already booked to come on the walk and if you would like to join this very social gathering exploring areas of the estuary not normally open to the public.

23 July 2016 Newsletter editor needed

Wanted. A newsletter editor for the Association Newsletter. Our excellent Editor has too many work commitments now and has sadly had to resign. The Newsletter is a flagship publication. We urgently need and energetic editor for our twice yearly magazine.  Please apply to

23 July 2016 River defences update

Work is now under way on the Aldeburgh Marshes (flood cell 10) with a planned timescale of 3 years for the major upgrade on the wall which will be completed in 3 phases.   The scheme is being implemented by the Internal Drainage Board (IDB) in conjunction with the Alde and Ore Estuary Partnership (AOEP), of which the Association is a member, and the Environment Agency.  For details see here

The total cost of the 3 year scheme is £1.98M and £1M of this will have to be found through local funding.

In all, in excess of £10M will be needed to fund the whole estuary and the Association will shortly be publishing a leaflet to encourage us all, as David Andren wished in his incredibly generous legacy, either to make a donation or to leave a legacy to this vital cause.

The rock defences at Slaughden were completed by early June with the rocks which had been brought in by barge.  They have been placed along the foot of the concrete sea wall and covered with shingle.

On 7th June, the AOEP held a meeting at Snape to outline the planned work on Flood Cells 6 Snape Maltings and 7 Snape river wall on the north bank, and Aldeburgh wall (FC10).    From this it emerged that Flood Cell 6 (The Maltings) was relatively small and work on it would not affect the rest of the river and could start in the autumn.  The existing north bank protecting the village would be further upgraded next spring.  The Aldeburgh wall had to commence first otherwise there would have been a flood risk to Aldeburgh if the Snape village wall was raised first – no one wanted that to happen!  As you can see the programming of all these works is complex and interconnected. Clay has been stockpiled at the Snape ready for works to start next year and the plan for a new wall nearer to the village has been abandoned.  Interesting presentations were given at the Snape meeting by the IDB and the Environment Agency outlining their responsibilities and roles as advisors to the Partnership.  We hope to have a detailed report on this in the next newsletter.

At the meeting, news came through that the Estuary Plan had been endorsed by Suffolk Coastal District Council. This was the last hurdle in the finalisation of the Plan and work can now start on the most urgent projects and on fundraising.

For more details on all these developments on the AOEP website, click here

13 June 2016 Iken pop festival application rejected

An application was made for a licence to hold an annual three day pop festival at Anchor Farm on the Iken peninsula. The festival would be held some time between July and September, running from 10am each day with music until 3am the following morning and refreshments until 5am.

The application was rejected by the Licensing Panel of Suffolk Coastal District Council on Friday 10th June. The key reasons for the rejection were the likely impact of noise throughout the whole upper estuary area on what is an exceptionally quiet spot even by Suffolk standards and because regard has to be given to the potential impact on the area which has several national and international designations as a wild life and habitat areas which the government is bound by statute to protect.

27 objections were raised by local residents and bodies including the Alde and Ore Association and the RSPB. At the hearing six speakers represented the objectors on different aspects of public nuisance, crime and disorder, public safety and safety of children. The Alde and Ore Association's written objections included concerns about the inadequacy of the roads and safety of residents and people coming to enjoy the area. The Association representative spoke on behalf of all about the special and unique wild life and habitats, their value to the area and visitors and their statutory protection.

The Association was very grateful that one of our members spotted the application and enabled us to look into the proposal. If you do spot any planning or similar application which might affect the Alde and Ore and Butley rivers, please get in touch - members' being eyes and ears for the river are very helpful to our small team.

13 June 2016 AOEP Plan endorsed by Suffolk Coastal District Council

The Alde and Ore Estuary Partnership held a meeting in Snape Village Hall on 7th June to give an update on the planned works to the Snape river wall. At the meeting, news was received that Suffolk Coastal District Council had endorsed the Estuary Plan. This is the final endorsement and work on fundraising and implementing the Plan can now start in earnest. Work on the Aldeburgh section of the walls will commence immediately and work on Snape walls is planned for next year, with stockpiling of the clay having already started. To see the AOEP Press Release with details of the meeting, click here

5 May 2016 Second delivery of rocks at Slaughden
Update 5th May. The second delivery having been completed, the work of placing the rock along the toe of the wall can now commence.
21:30 The barge came into the shore at about 20:20 and unloading started immediately. The rocks are smaller than those in the first load and will be used to infill once the others are in place. It is likely that unloading will be continuing tomorrow morning.
17:15 A utility vessel Voe Jarl has also arrived. Inshore tug New Ross is proceeding out to meet the barge.
16:30 The barge (Mormaen15 towed by tug Provencal 1) with the second delivery of rocks for Slaughden is gilling around about a mile and a half off Slaughden having come from Boulogne overnight. Tug New Ross which will do the final beaching is stationary closer inshore. High tide is not until 21:44 this evening.
To see photos of the previous delivery, go to the Picture Gallery. The previous news item has timelapse video of the last unloading.

30 April 2016 Rocks delivery at Slaughden

The barge filled with rocks for the Slaughden defences, long delayed by the weather, finally arrived off Aldeburgh on Thursday, 28th April. With the unfavourable wind, it was unable to come into the beach until just before high tide on Friday afternoon. Unloading started immediately and was completed overnight. The barge is now going to collect the second load and, weather permitting, should return within the next ten days.

Below is a timelapse video of the rocks being unloaded from the barge on the Friday afternoon and evening..

26 April 2016 AOEP Estuary Plan endorsed by Suffolk County Council

The AOEP Estuary Plan was unanimously endorsed by Suffolk County Council today. The Plan goes forward for consideration by other bodies before being submitted to SCDC for final endorsement on 6th June.

26 April 2016 Dates for your diary: Walks and Annual Barbecue 2016

The annual Barbecue will be held at the Crag Pit at Chillesford Lodge on Sunday 21st August.
Details and the booking form can be downloaded here.

Three walks are planned for 2016 on Friday 13th May, Friday 15th July and Friday 2nd September. Details of all the walks and the booking forms can be downloaded here.

23 April 2016 The 25th Anniversary AGM was held on Saturday 23rd April at the Thorpeness Country Club starting at 11am.

A full house of members approved the Report and Accounts for the year to 31st December 2015 before being given an update on the state of the Association by Chairman Alison Andrews. After the formal proceedings, Lord Deben addressed the meeting with a rousing talk on the subject of Accepting Climate Change does not mean 'Managed Retreat'. The morning ended with a glass of prosecco to toast the Association's first 25 years.

A full report will follow in the near future...


3 September 2015 ITV report on the Suffolk Ferries

Suffolk's four foot ferries, which take passengers across the Orwell, Deben, Butley and Blyth, were featured this evening on ITV.

See the article and video here

1 September 2015 The Alde and Ore Estuary Partnership

The annual community meeting will be held on 17th September in Thorpeness Country Club at 4.30pm when you can hear about the Partnership’s efforts during the year in more detail. There will also be a presentation on the ‘sand/shingle engine’, a possible option for the Slaughden coast. Everyone is welcome. Please let Amanda Bettinson know if you would like to attend, email:

Read the AOEP press release

28 August 2015 Flood defence maintenance work

The Environment Agency has announces a programme of grass cutting on the estuary defences. The work will take place in September and October 2015, and cover an approximate length of 50km.

Click here for details and maps

10 June 2015 River Defence Committee assessments published

Every year, the Association's River Defence Committee inspects the Alde and Ore river walls and reports on the condition of the defences. The reports for 2015 are now available.

See the 2015 RDC reports here

11 April 2015 Alde and Ore Association AGM

The Annual General Meeting of The Alde and Ore Association was held on Saturday 11th April 2015 at 11:00 am at Thorpeness Country Club.

The guest speaker was David Kemp, Flood Resilience Team Leader at the Environment Agency. He gave a very interesting talk on forecasting surges and storm surges: what warnings can be given and what they mean.

See the AGM documents here


31 October 2014

Richard Newman

Richard Newman died suddenly at home on 29 September 2014.

A service of thanksgiving was held at Aldeburgh Parish Church, St Peter and St Paul, on Friday 31 October, followed by a reception at Aldeburgh Yacht Club.

26 August 2014 Memorial Service for David Blix Andren

The Memorial Service for David Andren, who was Chairman of the Alde and Ore Association from 2007 to 2011 and a trustee for several years before, was kindly arranged by friends and held on Tuesday 26 August in Orford Church. The service was very well attended as was the reception held afterwards in Orford Town Hall.

Three tributes were given at the Service covering several aspects of his life:

  • Early life - the Revd Celia Cook
  • Sailing days - Penny Kay
  • Public work - Alison Andrews

If you would like to read the tributes please click here.

27 June 2014 Bentwaters Park in the EADT

The Association has recently briefed the East Anglian Daily Times, which resulted in a front page article on Friday 27 June. The article concentrated on the peace of the area and possible impact on employment but there is also the important consideration of the many wild life and habitat designations which reflect what a special and unique area the Alde and Ore Estuary is and that it needs to be protected.

Read the A&O briefing here

Read the EADT article here

26 June 2014 Bentwaters Park planning application

A planning application has been submitted for developments at Bentwaters Park including flights based at Bentwaters. The Alde and Ore Association has objected to this application.

The deadline for comments on this application has been extended to 7 July 2014.

Click here to see our response

View the planning application on the SCDC website

Visit the Bentwaters Campaign Group website

Comments on this application need to be sent to Suffolk Coastal District Council by 13 June 2014.
Either write to: Planning Dept, SCDC, Melton Hill, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP12 1AU
or email to:

Reference: C/10/3239
Address: Former RAF Bentwaters Park, Rendlesham

26 May 2014 New agricultural dwelling, Hill Farm Road, Iken

An application has been made for a new agricultural dwelling, including an integrated garage, on the skyline above the estuary in Iken. The Alde and Ore Association believes that this development will adversely affect the estuary environment.

See the plans and our response here

The deadline for public comments is 13 June 2014.

26 May 2014 Jumbo's Cottage, Iken

An application has been submitted for a substantial extensions to Jumbo's cottage, Iken. The public consultation for this application has now closed.

See the plans and our response here

5 April 2014 Alde and Ore Association AGM

The Annual General Meeting of The Alde and Ore Association was held on Saturday 5th April 2014 at Thorpeness Country Club.

The guest speakers were:
Teresa Fenn of Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd, on the Local Economic Study of The Alde and Ore Area
Andrew Hawes of Hawes Associates on lessons learned from the December 2013 surge

See the AGM documents here

29 March 2014 SCAR AGM

The Annual General Meeting of Suffolk Coast Against Retreat (SCAR) was held on Saturday 29 March 2014 at the Riverside Centre, Stratford St Andrew. The Guest Speaker was Lord Deben, Chair of the Committee on Climate Change and Patron of SCAR.

Also attending:
Peter Aldous, MP for Waveney
Therese Coffey, MP for Suffolk Coastal

30 January 2014 DAVID ANDREN

It is with great sadness that the Association would like to inform its members that David Andren, a former Chairman of the Association, died on January 24th 2014.

He spent an enormous amount of his time and energy in pursuing his passionate support of the Alde and Ore Estuary through the Association, the EPP and SCAR. David did a very great deal to earn the Alde and Ore Estuary its national profile, and to develop its strategy, which led to partnership working. He will be sorely missed by his very wide circle of friends and colleagues.

Details of a memorial service will be posted when known.


20 December 2013 Special General Meeting of the Alde and Ore Association

A Special General Meeting of the Alde and Ore Association was held in Orford Town Hall on Friday 20 December 2013. There were two important items for discussion:

The proposal to convert the Alde and Ore Association into a new type of charitable company, known as a ‘Charitable Incorporated Association’ or CIO, was approved unanimously by members. This will not change any of the aims and objectives of the Association - we shall continue the work to ensure the river and its environs are there for everyone to enjoy. Becoming a CIO is a matter of governance, and this will help safeguard the Association in the future.

After the formal business there was a very interesting and informative presentation by Nicholas Gold on the future of Orfordness Lighthouse.


The surge tide that hit the east coast, and more particularly here in the Alde and Ore Estuary, was similar to the surge experienced in 1953. Due to a combination of reduced wind speed and the surge and high spring tide thankfully failing to coincide, the estuary escaped the appalling devastation and multiple breaches that happened in 1953.

The river walls, in the main, have stood up well but there were a number of small breaches and several areas that overtopped throughout the estuary. Cllr Jane Marson has been coordinating the breach repairs at Iken and is, with the Internal Drainage Board, organising machinery to make emergency repairs to avoid further damage.

Sir Edward Greenwell, Chairman of the Estuary Partnership, said "This nearly catastrophic flood comes just as we have been told by central government that we, local people, must carry most of the burden for maintaining flood defences in future. This time we have been lucky. The high tide did not exactly coincide with the North Sea surge. Nonetheless the damage and the cost of putting it right will be considerable. The Partnership has plans to make all flood defences in the estuary capable of surviving surges like this intact. We are just embarking on efforts to raise the money to achieve that, estimated at c.£5-7m. This is, therefore, a timely reminder of the urgency of our task. "

Wall damage is as expected for the height of surge. The flood cells initial reports are:

  • FC 0 Shingle Street - the sea wall breached (10 metres Grid Ref 373436) and overtopped for 120 metres to the north and 30 metres to the south of the breach. Oxley Marsh flooded - approximately 75 acres under water. The River bank overtopped and lowered the crest by 1 metre for 3 - 4 metres.
  • FC 1 Boyton and Butley - some overtopping
  • FC 2 Butley Mill - wall overtopped but recent work on the wall held
  • FC 3 Chillesford - overtopped, grass ridged in places but held well
  • FC 4 Orford - limited overtopping also Gedgrave section survived well
  • FC 5 Iken - a number of partial breaches and back wall slips which will be rectified early next week with plant machinery as a matter of urgency. Approximately 300 acres under water between Stanney and Yarn Hill
  • FC 6 Snape Maltings - some flooding through minor leakage which was controlled
  • FC7 Snape Village (north bank) - overtopped by almost 0.5m for up to 3 hours, Snape road, housing and fields flooded: road remains impassable. Sewage pump overwhelmed. Water unable to drain from the marshes as wall held: hoggin footpath totally failed and was washed away. Loss of 40 turkeys, ducks and geese at The Crown. Approximately 50 acres under water.
  • FC 8 Ham Creek - 4 metre partial breach that needs immediate repair, several back wall slips, and considerable overtopping on the south wall face. Approximately 100 acres under water. Although the Environment Agency (EA) are still responsible for the drainage they have indicated they are unlikely to maintain the defences. As the wall protects vital agricultural irrigation extraction points the local landowners intend to initially commission maintenance themselves
  • FC 9 Hazlewood Marshes (SSSI site owned by Suffolk Wildlife Trust (SWT)) - has three large breaches. Maintenance of this area will be agreed between SWT and EA. About 300 acres flooded.
  • FC 10 Aldeburgh wall - 2m width of overtopping - discussions already in place with the EA as urgent remedial work was required following substandard recent upgrade work.
  • FC 11 Kings and Lantern Marshes (National Trust) - substantial erosion south of the Martello at Aldeburgh - being assessed aerially by the EA. On the bright side, about 4metres of shingle on the beach at Orford Ness
  • FC 12/13 Havergate Island (RSPB) - breached and flooded

Download the AOEP press release (PDF)

25 September 2013 Ownership of Orfordness Lighthouse transferred to local company

Trinity House announced today that ownership of the lighthouse on Orfordness has been transferred to the Orfordness Lighthouse Company. This is a new company which has been formed to own the building and ensure that local interests are taken into account in decisions about its future.

Read the letter from the Association Chairman
Trinity House press release

4 August 2013 Government flood risk consultation (closed)

The Government is seeking views on its proposals for ensuring that domestic property insurance continues to be widely available and affordable in areas of flood risk in the UK. The consultation runs from 27 June 2013 to 8 August 2013.

Further details and consultation documents are available on the DEFRA website:
Consultation document (PDF)

27th June 2013 Orfordness Lighthouse - Listed Building Consent sought by Trinity House for removal of fixtures

We have managed to have this application called in to be considered by the SCDC Development Control Committee. Trinity House are due to decommission the Orford Ness Lighthouse and turn off the light on Friday 28th June. As the lighthouse is a Grade II listed building they have applied for planning consent for

Removal of fixtures from Orfordness Lighthouse;
Boarding up of outhouses;
Capping off subterranean water tanks, and
Removal of Mezzanine floor staircase

This means that the Grade II listed building will be completely stripped of everything: hazardous material (mercury and glass) and all the fitments including the main optic, lenses and pedestal, Coade Stone plaque, voice pipes, specialised curved wooden cupboard, glass racks for spare lantern glazing, window handles, boundary stones, newel posts on staircases etc. We understand that the intention is to pass some of the artefacts on to Orford Museum amongst others. Apart from a site map showing the Trinity House boundary, there are no further documents available online to support this application, but these can be seen at SCDC office in Melton.

Orford and Gedgrave Town Council and the Alde and Ore Association have placed objections and will be making a 3 minute presentation to the Development Control Committee on 17th July 2013

27 April 2013 Floods of Memories DVD

The Association is delighted to announce that a DVD of Angie Mason’s film Floods of Memories, that was produced for the 1953 Flood Exhibition, is now available and can be obtained for £13 from Aldeburgh Bookshop, Baggotts & Sons Newsagents in Aldeburgh, Snape Village Shop and Orford General Store.

The DVD is also available by post from the Alde and Ore Association for £15 including post and packing. To order the DVD, please send a cheque for £15 made out to the Alde and Ore Association to Mrs Sara Hinton, Greenwood House, Saxonfields, Snape, Saxmundham, Suffolk IP17 1QA.

15 April 2013 Planning Updates

The Iken Hall Farm application (demolition of equestrian centre) has been withdrawn and the Jumbo’s Cottage application has been referred to The Secretary of State.

For more information see:
Iken Hall Farm
Jumbo’s Cottage

13 April 2013 Alde and Ore Association AGM

The Annual General Meeting of The Alde and Ore Association was held on Saturday 13th April 2013 at Thorpeness Country Club. Angie Mason’s Film Floods of Memories was shown to members, followed by a fascinating talk by Andrew Hawes who spoke about the present survivability of the river walls and the 1953 Flood.

See the AGM documents here

4 March 2013 SCAR AGM

The Annual General Meeting of Suffolk Coast Against Retreat (SCAR) will be held on Saturday 23 March 2013 at 10.30 am at the Riverside Centre, Stratford St Andrew. Coffee from 10 am. The Guest Speaker will be Sir Bill Callaghan, Chair of the Marine Management Organisation.

Also attending:
Rt Hon Lord Deben PC (formerly John Gummer MP), Patron of SCAR
Peter Aldous MP for Waveney
Therese Coffey MP for Suffolk Coastal

All are welcome.

See the AGM invitation 


17 December 2012 Marine Conservation Zone - Alde Ore Estuary

Defra has published its public consultation into the proposed designation of Marine Conservation Zones including the Alde Ore Estuary. The consultation will close on 31 March 2013. The Alde and Ore Association is coordinating a group of river users in considering the proposals to ensure that no undue restrictions are put on the use of the river and its surroundings.

Read the full details on the Defra website

16 November 2012 Jumbo’s Cottage

Revised plans have been submitted for the development of Jumbo’s Cottage in Iken. The Committee has looked closely at the revised plans and has now sent in an objection.

While a revision has been made to keep the current outline of the original part of the cottage, the long single floor extension and its large terrace would still be very intrusive and out of character with the quiet corner of the estuary.

The planning reference is C/12/2178, Jumbos Cottage, Iken Cliff,Iken, Woodbridge, IP12 2EN.

Comments need to be submitted to Suffolk Coastal District Council by 16 November 2012, email:

For more information see:
Planning Application
Site Plan
Video of Jumbo’s Cottage on You Tube

17 May 2012 Alde & Ore Association AGM

The Association’s AGM was held on Thursday 17 May 2012 at 3pm in Orford Town Hall, followed by the final meetings of Alde and Ore Futures and the Estuary Planning Partnership and the launch of the Alde & Ore Estuary Partnership.

See full report including video message from Richard Benyon MP

13 February 2012 Marine Management Organisation holds local drop-in sessions

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has been drawing up marine plans for the East Coast from Flamborough Head to Felixstowe since April 2011. These plans are intended to guide marine developers and other users on appropriate uses in the marine area. The plans will also take into account leisure activities such as sailing and diving, along with the need to conserve and protect marine species and habitats.

Drop-in sessions were held in Aldeburgh and Ipswich today to make sure that residents are fully involved. MMO staff explained that they were responsible for marine planning from the high-water line (MHWS) to 200 nautical miles offshore. However, it’s too early to say what activities on the estuary would or would not be permitted, as detailed management plans have not been agreed. There will be a 4-week consultation on this topic in March 2012.

For more information see:
MMO Local drop-in sessions
More about marine planning
MMO home page

31 January 2012 MPs report on Flood Risk Management in England

The Commons Public Accounts Committee has published a report on flood risk management in England, on the basis of evidence from DEFRA and the Environment Agency. It looks at issues of expenditure and management of flood protection. The main conclusions are:

  • The current strategy for long-term expenditure on flood protection anticipated a higher level of central government funding than is now likely to be available.
  • It is unclear whether local contributions will be sufficient to replace funding that has previously been provided nationally.
  • The Department has no way of knowing whether local flood management systems are adequate or when it should intervene.
  • Local communities need to have confidence in the decisions made on managing flood risk but do not always feel involved in the decision-making process.
  • In light of speculation about the levels of funding available to provide effective flood protection, there is uncertainty over the future availability and affordability of insurance cover for properties in risk areas.

For more information see:
Conclusions and Recommendations
Statement by Margaret Hodge MP, Chair of the Committee

31 January 2012 ABI highlights the serious flood risk facing communities in England and Wales

The Association of British Insurers has revealed the worrying scale of the flood risk faced by communities in political constituencies across England and Wales. Boston and Skegness in Lincolnshire is the constituency with the most homes at significant risk of flooding followed by the Vale of Clwyd, Folkestone and Hythe, then Windsor. In 92 constituencies there are 1,000 or more homes at high flood risk.

The findings reinforce ABI’s warning that, with the insurance industry’s voluntary flood agreement with the Government ending in June 2013, a new sustainable long-term solution needs to be urgently agreed to avoid as many as 200,000 high-risk households facing problems in getting flood insurance.

For more information see:
BBC News
Association of British Insurers

23 January 2012 Consultation on the Alde and Ore Futures Framework Action Plan

The Alde and Ore Futures project has invited residents to drop in at the Riverside Centre, Stratford St Andrew on Wednesday 29 February, between 2pm and 7pm, to contribute to the finalisation of the Framework Action Plan generated by the responses to the Big Conversation. You will be able to discuss the progress made so far with the team and to make your comments on the draft text.

The responses to the previous consultation are available on the Alde and Ore Futures webpage and the draft Framework Action Plan will be available there from 15 February.

More details, documents and map here


12 December 2011 Alde and Ore Futures Winter 2011 newsletter

The Alde and Ore Futures project has published its Winter 2011 newsletter. It summarises the recent consultation and explains that a ‘something sensible’ approach has been adopted for the estuary, including:

  • Review of the economic analysis and evaluation of each estuary wall including the residual life assessments
  • Develop a single plan for the entire estuary, bringing together the specific actions for individual flood compartments into one complete package. This is to include agreed standards of flood and erosion protection across the entire estuary
  • Raising issues at a national level within the Environment Agency highlighted through the work of the Futures project
  • Continue to undertake maintenance on the areas of highest priority

The legacy of the project will be:

  • A new governance mechanism for the estuary with the community at its heart
  • The ‘do something sensible approach’ which the Environment Agency will be supporting
  • The partners will work with local people to access new sources of funding to deliver works along the estuary
  • There will be a Framework Action Plan detailing things to be done and who will be doing them and how this will be monitored

Click here and follow the link to the newsletter.

8 November 2011 Talks ongoing over future of Alde and Ore estuaries

It was reported in today’s East Anglian Daily Times that the Alde & Ore Association has criticised proposals for the Alde, Ore and Butley rivers. The Association believes that the plans - drawn up by Alde and Ore Futures group - will undermine flood defences along that coastline. The two organisations have now met to discuss the concerns and last night those behind the proposals said a lot of good work had already been done.

EADT article here

4 November 2011 Shingle recycling exercise at Slaughden

The Environment Agency is about to begin a regular shingle recycling exercise at Slaughden, near the Martello Tower. The work will begin on Monday 7 November and is expected to last 4 weeks.The Environment Agency states that this work will improve the resilience of the of strip of land between the sea and the Alde and Ore estuary.

Environment Agency fact sheet (PDF)

3 November 2011 New report published

The Alde & Ore Association has released a report by Risk and Policy Analysts Ltd to the Environment Agency in a bid to convince the agency that further work is necessary before the community will accept its proposals to withdraw from financing flood defences in the Alde and Ore Estuary.

A useful meeting was held this morning with District and Local Authority Councillors and Environment Agency representatives at which it was agreed that further work would be ongoing to produce a more meaningful and well-costed strategy for the estuary and to decide exactly how the governance would be managed in the future.

Download the full report (PDF)

27 October 2011 Coastal defence scheme set to be adopted

A coastal defence scheme which could see the shape of Suffolk’s shoreline altered dramatically over the next century is set to be adopted by Suffolk Coastal District Council.

For more information see:
East Anglian Daily Times
Suffolk Shoreline Management Plan
Suffolk Integrated Coastal Zone Management Initiative

11 October 2011 Environment Agency Defence Plans Rejected

The Alde & Ore Association has rebutted in the strongest terms government-influenced plans that would ultimately undermine flood defences on the Alde, Ore and Butley rivers. More >

3 October 2011 Alde & Ore Futures Consultation

The Alde & Ore Association has written to all members to make them aware of the Alde & Ore Futures Consultation on the future of the Alde and Ore estuary. The closing date for written responses was Friday 30 September 2011. More >

22 August 2011
Orfordness lighthouse on ITV News - Click here

1 August 2011 Heritage Lottery Fund announces £18.3m to protect some of the UK’s most distinctive landscapes - Click here

July 2011 The Alde and Ore Futures study 'Conversation' dates - Click here

April 2011 New approach shows benefits of coastal management

Planet Earth... which deliberately breach existing sea defences to flood the land behind and ... In their study the researchers, from the University of East Anglia and ...To view click here


7 September 2010 Keeping Flood Risk at Bay - interview with farmers James Leggett & Richard Pipe of AWMortier Farms. To view click here

Farmer-funded sea defence group boosted by DEFRA visit Coastal farmers, fighting against regulations that prevent them from maintaining sea defences, have been given a boost after a visit by DEFRA officials.

To view click here

Times 17/05/10

Where Eagles should not dare 'Landowners are stepping up their campaign to halt plans for the return of sea eagles to East Anglia after government officials told them to alter their farming methods to accommodate the birds'. To view click here

Orford Ness lighthouse in Suffolk will also be switched off following the consultation. Two other lighthouses in England which had been earmarked for ...

To view click here East Anglian Daily Times 10 May 2010. Speaking at the annual meeting of the Alde & Ore Association, Mr Gummer deplored the current way in which defences were designed with 100-year plans and ...

To view click here Lighthouse's future uncertain in face of Trinity review To view click here

4th February 2010 EADT Flood fears over coastal blueprint. To view click here

19th January 2010 EADT

New concern over threat to Lighthouse. To view click here

18th January 2010 EADT

Lights out for Landmark - Orford Lighthouse. To view click here

15th January 2010

Beachy Head lighthouse faces closure - Telegraph

The other five in the proposed switch-off are Orfordness Lighthouse, near Woodbridge, Suffolk, Hartland Point, overlooking Lundy Island in Devon, Blacknore, ...

To view click here


September 2009
DIY flood defences for the Blyth Estuary
Norfolk Eastern Daily Press - Norwich,England,UK
Sue Allen, chairman of the Blyth Estuary Group, said that allowing landowners and locals to repair and maintain the river banks will help to secure the ...
To view click here

15 August 2009
Norfolk landowner warns: Protect prime farmland
Norfolk Eastern Daily Press - Norwich, England, UK
... said policies on flood defence and managed retreat and the best use of former ... Only last month Defra proposed regionalising the internal drainage ...

To view click here

11 August 2009
Southwold: Flood defence anger
The Lowestoft Journal - Lowestoft,England,UK
The Blyth Estuary Group is continuing its campaign against Environment Agency ... has cast doubt on the work on predicted river flow and sediment-ation ...

To view click here

27 July 2009
BASC: Pond project receives financial boost from Wildlife Habitat TrustThe Alde & Ore Wildfowlers Association (AOWA) will be able to start work on a new pond management project on the Aldeburgh Town Marshes. To view Click here

5 July 2009
United Kingdom: After 400 years, Wallasea's sea wall comes ... After centuries of trying to keep the sea out of East Anglia, ... It will also improve flood defences, provide for better fish nurseries, ...
To view click here

26 March 2009
Update on Global Warming - Institutional Advisors April 2009
and the Political Science of Global Warming.

To download the document click here


Jan 2008 How the Environmental extremists manipulate the masses. News with  To view click here

Feb 2008 Felixstowe gets sea defence boost EADT. To view click here

March 2008  Government Agency's Flood Management Strategies threat to East Anglian Coast Recreational Sailing. To view click here

Aug 2008 New threat to Suffolk Coast. To view click here

Oct 2008 New fears for Suffolk Coast EADT. To view click here


Nov 2007 Pupils flood coast chiefs with letters EADT. To view click here

Dec 2007 Lose Coast forever if lose Defences EADT . To view click here
Dec 2007 A12 Flooding risk 'not ignored'  EADT. To view click here

Dec 2007 Costs to Taxpayer of flood defence lost EADT. To view click here

Dec 2007 No improvement in flood defence  BBC online. To view click here

Dec 2007 Benn accepts urgent recommendations from Pitt report on summer floods DEFRA. To view click here